Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I am guessing this next little guy's mom must be thinking I didn't get much of anything of him given my delay in posting. But I am excited that she may be completely surprised that is not the reason for the delay. I am in the constant state of craziness given the season and finding time to blog always gets pushed to the back of the priority line. Which is sad because one of my favorite parts of my job is getting to share images with my clients.
Again, I apologize for the overload of images (which is especially pathetic this time since there really is just one subject) but I think they all really capture how the sitting went. This little guy was on the go as you will see from all the walking pictures. Initially he really didn't want much to do with me. I LOVE the picture of him walking away w/ his hands behind his back...such on old soul! The shoot was all about him leading and we followed. And it ended with some puddle stomping which I was so happy that his mom was chill enough to roll with it. He wasn't up for any pictures with mom and grandma but I was able to capture a few that show the love that they have for him. I think you will be able to see how of a character this little one was and I LOVED every minute of it.

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