Sunday, July 01, 2007

Celebrating Oscar

I thought twice about sharing these images of Oscar...I mean how many of my own kids can I really post??!! But I figured my excuse would be that Oscar needed to be celebrated just a little bit more.
On his birthday he was in my closet and came out bound and determined to put on the shoes in hand. But he didn't stop w/ getting them on. I was sure he would end up on his nose but no...he managed to walk back and forth on his little runway and strike a few poses. He must have dreamed about the shoes all night because the next day he found them again and had mastered them. He could sit in them, do summersaults & even get his groove on.
Later that day he provided a few more cute looks that I know I will love looking at 30 years from now.

1 comment:

Cory Ann said...

I have some of Ayden in my heels too. Maybe when they are older they can form a support group, children of mothers who tortured their boys by documenting their early facination with heels.
he he. Thanks for sharing.