Saturday, July 07, 2007

It has taken me 2 years but today I finally took a few pictures of my custom albums. I absolutely LOVE these and so do my clients. I design each album from the ground up and have a wonderful binder in the mid-west that puts the finishing touches on w/ a stunning finish. The best part of these albums is that I can design layouts that run over 2 pages and the seam of the book does not impact the image. I can make pretty much any size of book but I am partial to square albums so these range from 12"x12" to 5"x5" (great from grandparents or to carry in your purse).


Cory Ann said...

These look great, I love the hot pink spread - the last one.

Unknown said...

Looks great Tara! Melissa wouldn't let me open the album from your fine packaging (she's giving it as a gift to her Mother)so this is the first I've seen inside.