Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Today I am finishing up the last of my El Paso families. It has been a little overwhelming to work through so many images but all the ecstatic feedback I have been receiving from the families has kept me going.
When I first met the Schatzman family their son was just 2 months old and slept through the entire sitting.

A year later is was wide awake, full of smiles and on the move.

And his sister was as cute and sassy as the first time I met her.

She picked out her own outfit for the sitting and I LOVED the tutu. I think she looks so sweet and innocent in this next image.

She was my little assistant getting her brother to smile.

I was able to squeeze the Lemaster family in at the end of the day and left wishing I could bundle up the personalities of their kids. Most 5 year old boys run in the opposite direction of their sisters so my seeing the affection in these next few pictures was the best.
And last but not least...the Segall family. The twins had had a rough day leading up to our shoot but like the first time I photographed this family their mom and dad were mellow and just went w/ the flow, tears and all hoping to get just a couple keepers.
With a huge group effort by their mom and dad and 2 sets of grandparents smiles emerged that made it all worth it.
This next picture makes me think that this little one will have a great career on Saturday Night Live one day...he just has that little comedian, devilish look that just sucks you in.

Thank you to all my El Paso families. Your enthusiasm and glowing admiration for my work is a great gift that keeps me excited about what I do. I am looking forward to El Paso in 2007!

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