Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I have shared quite a few images for my El Paso trip already, but if you can believe it that was just day one. Here are the first two families from day 2.

I always look forward to seeing this next family when I return to El Paso. They have been so kind to me offering me a place to stay and sharing great food and laughs. Thank you for all you have done for me Caroline and Chad! When I arrive Garrett and Madeline can always be found sneaking peaks out their windows. These two are very special and I could've spent the entire trip just photographing these two!
I am not one for adding "props" while I am photographing kids. But when I saw a vase of Gerber daisies I had to give one to Madeline. I think she is just like the daisy she is holding...bright, beautiful and full of life.

Garrett striking a very serious pose...
But he can't hide his dimples for long.
Back at my favorite window (conveniently found in their backyard).
I wonder where Garrett gets his handsome looks???.....
This tree has the most incredible shape. It was gigantic and so picturesque.

I met little Judson McGinnes when he was just 2 months old.
I think his parents were wishing we could return to the days of immobility for just an hour to capture a few family pictures.
From the get go Judson was on the run w/ all around trying to rein him in.
I think the McGinnes family will be surprised that Judson did give me some great looks that morning and his happy, on-the-go personality was captured.
And he was smiling during the family pictures.

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