Friday, October 14, 2011

This family has an exciting year ahead of them. When their mom called she said they are in the process of relocating to North Carolina. I think many people approach big moves with apprehension, sadness of leaving friends, the familiar and a fear of the unknown but I am a believer that change, big or small, can bring amazing things to our lives that we never would have experienced without enduring the challenge of settling into the unknown. I will be sad not to have the opportunity to photograph them every fall but I feel so fortunate that I have gotten to spend a few great hours getting to know them over the last few years. They seem to be a very grounded family that love and laugh together and I am positive they will rise up to the challenges that this year will bring and once settled into their new home so many people will be lucky to get the opportunity to meet them!
We met at Gas Works thinking a few pictures w/ the Seattle skyline would be perfect for their last sitting here. We had fun wandering the grounds and I absolutely LOVED when the girls broke into a skip with their dad. I have to admit I did not expect it and loved it so much I had them do another round. When they told me they skip on all the trips they go on I thought it was so perfect that they just happened to skip this time w/ the space needle in the background (definitely not planned).

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