Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2,000 Visitors

Today my blog received its 2,000th visitor since I started it in late March. When I began I had no idea what would become of it. Given my loathing for writing I thought I may only last a month or two. But I have really enjoyed sharing my images in this format. If you haven't figured it out by now I am madly in love w/ what I do. The photography part is great but getting to meet and interact with so many wonderful people is what really gets me excited.

Writing a blog is a little strange because I put my thoughts and work out into the great internet blackhole. Having a visitor counter is the only way I can gather that a few people are interested in what I have to say and shoot. It is fun to see where people are viewing from. Just in the last day some of the far away visitors have been:
Land O Lakes, FL
Swampscott, MA
Hamilton, Ontario,
Homer, GA
San Antonio, TX
Zurich, Switzerland
Hopefully many of you are regular visitors. I would love to hear from any of you via comments or email.
When the 4,000th visit happens I will give a free sitting away so keep visiting and as it nears drop in a comment/email w/ your location & email address or phone number so I will be able to identify exactly who the 4,000th is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In case I haven't told you already, I'm loving this blog! Congrats on 2000. It's so hard to catch up as much as I'd like to, so being able to visit your blog helps me to feel like I'm a part of your life. And I never tire of checking out your work, which always impresses me. Let me know when we're going big with that Ballard idea & I'm there. :) Until then, in spirit, Karen (your #1 fan)