Yet another post that I know is being anxiously awaited but a wonderful mom. This sitting had been an anticipated event for more than a year. Colette's two oldest kids went to Cooper's school and in the spring of '07 we had planned to capture her little ones. But then her youngest lost her front tooth and Colette needed a little time to adjust to her new look so we pushed the sitting off. Who knew that just a few months Oscar would follow the jack-o-latern trend which I absolutely love and couldn't wait to photograph another 2 year old w/ a gap. We attempted the next sitting in April of this year but as all you Seattlelites may recall April was horrible and 7 minutes into the shoot I aborted before the kids turned into popsicles. The weather warmed a little and we tried again. This time the kids threw me for a loop. I had so much fun running, chasing, tickling and laughing with them but and they did to but throughout the shoot there was always one who just wasn't quite happy. Colette was a trooper and I'm sure she is thinking I didn't get much. Although the threesome gathered together was rare I think you will see from this collection (I went overboard w/ the collages, I know) you can see how much fun these kids have together and how beautiful they are.
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