Yesterday I had another workshop. As I was preparing for it I was wondering if I was going to enjoy it as much as the first 3, thinking that maybe I would end up finding it repetitive. As I was finishing I was so excited to realize that I don't think it will ever become repetitive because it is so great to see the light bulbs go off as people start to really get it.
If I could take a picture of everyone an hour into the day most people would probably have the most confused look on their faces because of the dreaded f-stop/shutter speed/ISO, etc verbage that is spinning in their heads. But thank goodness they stuck with me because if I could take another picture as I am wrapping up the day the looks would be completely different. There were huge smiles on everyones' faces because it all was making sense and they were excited to put it all to use. I really love doing the workshop and hope there are more people out there who want to learn how to really use their fancy camera.
Here is one picture of the very patient and cooperative models we had join us.